Brazil Transfusion Safety Research Program

Recipient Epidemiology and Donor Evaluation Study-IV-P (REDS-IV-P)

Vitalant Research Institute and Fundação Pró-Sangue (FPS) – the blood center in Sao Paulo and the University of Sao Paulo – have a long (20 years) and successful record of collaborative research focusing on the epidemiology of transfusion-transmitted infections, with particular reference to emerging infections and HIV/AIDS research. These studies laid the foundation for the REDS-II and REDS-III projects.

The REDS-IV-P Brazil Transfusion Safety Research Program addresses scientific questions on the safety and adequacy of the blood supply in Brazil. The goal of this program is to improve the safety and effectiveness of blood banking and transfusion medicine practices in Brazil by performing laboratory, survey, and epidemiological research.

Brazil Program Accomplishments:

  • Conducted the largest linked donor-recipient study of transfusion-transmitted Dengue virus completed to date, showing that about one-third of viremic blood components transmit infection but with unclear clinical significance for recipients.
  • Established a large, ongoing arbovirus surveillance study of donors to assess rates of viremic donations for Zika, chikungunya and dengue viruses at four large blood centers in Brazil.
  • Evaluated the impact and consequences of identification of HIV-positive persons through blood donation testing and the linkage of these donors to health care services to treat HIV disease, including social and personal barriers that could prevent persons from seeking care.
  • Enrolled one of the largest cohorts of Sickle Cell Disease adult and pediatric patients in the world at six health care facilities to conduct a range of studies of clinical and transfusion outcome studies in this highly transfused population. The cohort of nearly 2800 participants has been followed for over three years with approximately annual visits and will be followed throughout REDS-IV-P. Completed and ongoing studies include:
    • Array and whole genome sequencing [through NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) program] of the cohort for genotype-phenotype association studies of important clinical outcomes such as alloimmunization, stroke and vaso-occlusive pain.
    • Gene expression studies of transfused compared to non-transfused patients to assess the impact of transfusion.
Brazil map with the five participating blood centers locations

The five participating blood centers are located in the cities of:

São Paulo – Fundação Pró-Sangue

Carla Luana Dinardo, MD, PhD

Cesar de Almeida Neto, MD, PhD

Belo Horizonte –Fundação Hemominas

Belo Horizonte
André Rolim Belisário, PhD

Montes Claros
Rosimere Afonso Mota, MD

Juiz de Fora
Daniela de Oliveira Werneck Rodrigues, MD

Recife – Fundação Hemope

Paula Loureiro, MD, PhD

Rio de Janeiro – Fundação Hemorio

Claudia de Alvarenga Maximo, MD

Luiz de Melo Amorim Filho, MD, PhD

Amazonas – Hemoam

Nelson Abrahim Fraiji, MD, PhD

Mariane Martins Araújo Stefani, PhD, MPH

Other Brazil Program Contacts:

Ligia Capuani, PhD
Investigator in SP

Carolina Miranda Teixeira, BS
Senior Project Coordinator in Brazil

Sheila de Oliveira Garcia Mateos, MSc
Senior Project Coordinator in Brazil

Adelaide Amo-Mensah, BS
DCC Brazil Study Manager, Westat