65th ASH Annual Meeting
The 65th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition will take place December 9-12, 2023, in San Diego, CA, and online.
The 65th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition will take place December 9-12, 2023, in San Diego, CA, and online.
The next BloodNet Webinar will be held jointly with the European Society of Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care (ESPNIC) on Tuesday, May 30 on the topic of patient blood management. See attached flyer.
AABB 2022 Virtual Annual Meeting(November 6-7, 2022) Due to Hurricane Ian, the in-person 2022 AABB Annual Meeting in Orlando was canceled. Additional information on the 2022 virtual meeting can be found at the link below: https://www.aabb.org/annual-meeting
Current Vacancy: Supervisory Physician (Branch Chief) DBDR (October 31, 2022) For more information and to apply, visit USAJobs and access the NIH, National Heart, Lung, and Blood (NHLBI) for Supervisory Physician, open October 31, 2022 through November 9, 2022. Supervisory Physician, GP-0602-15 (Current, valid U.S. issued medical license is required)Supervisory Physician (Research), GS-0602-15 (Medical license not required)
Blood Bank Guy Essentials Podcast: Simply REDS (July 18, 2022) The much anticipated Blood Bank Guy podcast episode “Simply REDS” with Steve Kleinman and Cassandra Josephson is available to stream at the following link: https://www.bbguy.org/2022/07/18/098/
2022 State of the Science in Transfusion Medicine (SoS in TM)(August 29-30, 2022) The virtual workshop hosted by The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of NIH and the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Health (OASH) of the Department of Health and Human Services will take place from 10am to 3pm Eastern Time … Read more
2022 State of the Science in Transfusion Medicine (SoS in TM) (August 29-30, 2022) The virtual workshop hosted by The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of NIH and the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Health (OASH) of the Department of Health and Human Services will take place from 10am to 3pm Eastern … Read more
Blood Bank Guy Essentials Podcast: Simply REDS(July 18, 2022) The much anticipated Blood Bank Guy podcast episode “Simply REDS” with Steve Kleinman and Cassandra Josephson is available to stream at the following link:https://www.bbguy.org/2022/07/18/098/
BloodNet presents the webinar “What’s in the bag?” Pediatric Blood Transfusions-What we have learned and considerations for next steps. This is virtual event. For more information, see the linked flyer. To register for this webinar, visit https://bit.ly/pediatric-blood-transfusions [Link to flyer]
The Department of Transfusion Medicine, NIH Clinical Center, National Institutes of Health and The American Red Cross are co-hosting this symposium. This is a virtual event. There is no registration fee but advance registration is required. For information and registration visit website: http://www.cc.nih.gov/dtm/research/symposium.html [cc.nih.gov] Please review attached agenda for this event!